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For us to get to know each other you can book a 50 minute initial consultation where we have the opportunity to discuss your individual mental health struggles and a potential treatment plan. 


The goal of the initial consultation is to establish a therapeutic relationship and develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. This is an opportunity for both parties to get to know each other and determine if we feel comfortable working together. Of course confidentiality is maintained in every therapy session, including the initial consultation.


To arrange an appointment you can use the contact form write me an email


I look forward to hearing from you!

Image by NordWood Themes

Your first appointment

What comes next?

You do not necessarily have to have an illness in order to go to therapy! Seeking help in stressful times can prevent illness, strengthen you and give you a safe space to cope with your situation. Just like our physical health, our mental health needs care and practice. Psychotherapy can support you in any phase of your life, whether you are struggling, in a neutral place or thriving.

Treating a mental illness

Depending on how strong your symptoms are, we will start by improving them first. Next comes the diagnostic process, where we figure out a personalized treatment plan. Together we will discuss your goals and how exactly we will reach them. If you don't like certain methods or if you have any concerns about the treatment, we will find an alternative! Every single step happens only with your consent!


We will also discuss a model of how and why your problems developed, so you can become an expert of your own mind. 

The final step is treating the root of the problem, so that our results are sustainable. 


Support in times of high stress or crisis

Experiencing a time of high stress can be very straining to our mind, whether you have good mental health or not. 


When going through a life crisis or big change, asking for help is a sign of strength and good self-care. Times of high stress can make us fall back into old patterns or make us vulnerable for developing symptoms of mental illness.


In psychotherapy you are heard, validated and supported! If you experience symptoms of high stress or any other mental problem, we can work on that. If you do not, we will make your mind as strong as possible in order to get through a stressful time.

Self-care and personal development

Mental health is not only the absence of an illness. Good mental health has many components such as having life goals, being able to feel and regulate your emotions, having strong and meaningful connections and experiencing a sense of comfort in your body. There is a whole research field in psychology, called positive psychology, which focuses on what makes us happy. We use that knowledge to explore your mind's full potential!


Just like you can train your body to become strong and flexible, you can train your mind to become the same thing!


Maria Barger

Psychotherapist (CBT)



1070: Schottenfeldgasse 63/1/2


Opening hours


Monday, Tuesday: 09:00 - 15:00

Thursday, Friday: 09:00 - 18:00

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